Pros and Cons of Trait Theory

The entertainment industry is brutal. After long hours of Hollywood traffic and in crowded audition rooms, casting directors will take one look at you and make their decision based on whether or not you simply have “it”. So what is “it”. Is it alignment of proportionate features? Or is it a certain energy or aura of confidence? Truth is, there is no combination of traits that can provide an explanation.

For centuries, cities were ruled by “born leaders” or those with royal blood. Others who rose and conquered were viewed as “the great man” or someone who possessed the strength, courage, and knowledge from birth. Both theories, “The Great Man” and “Trait Theory” suggest that leaders are born, and people never change. Some are strong and coordinated from year one and others are timid and shy. The Great Man Theory proves to be false because people have developed new traits and accomplished extraordinary things throughout history. Former president of the United States and leading force of the Progressive Era, Theodore Roosevelt, was born a unhealthy child with debilitating asthma (a young Teddy Roosevelt photo above). With dedication, he embraced a strenuous lifestyle and successfully regained his health to become a strong leader in time. Although a few traits such as humility and honesty are more difficult to learn…dedication, confidence, passion, and intelligence can be practiced till perfection.

So what is “it” according to the trait theory? Is there a secret recipe- A combination of just enough patience, assertiveness, and authenticity to flawless leadership? The answer is no. There is no perfect combination of traits because the only true indicator of great leadership is the lasting impression left on those following. A great leader can be many things, but the “it” or the thing that truly matters, is how the leaders make people feel.

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