Traits and Me

Qualities of a Leader Video

I have always enjoyed the energy of networking events. As I stroll from booth to booth exchanging small talk with individuals in the hospitality industry, I project my personality and passion travel/tourism and meeting and events with the hope of catching a professionals interest. After many exchanged cards and hand shakes from the evening, I naturally think back to whom I met. Those who projected enthusiasm, authenticity, and honesty always stand out in the crowd. Is it because these traits make me feel energized, secure, and driven to succeed? Or are these qualities of a leader I’d be honored to follow?

Leaders have the ability to inspire and transform individuals by making them feel confident, supported and guided towards the best version of themselves. As we all know, some leaders do this much better than others. Trait Theory claims that leaders with specific traits are best fit for leading with success. Typically those transformative leaders have unique traits such as creativity, drive honesty, intelligence in combination with a positive energy that people like me, find quite inspiring.

Aside from first impressions, great leaders have additional traits that keep their followers motivated with a growth mindset. I find that leaders who are patient, organized, humble, and reliable ensile trust and dedication from their team. It takes tremendous time and energy invested in a teach to train individuals to be independent and productive. Without the traits listed above, a leader will not be capable of sustaining employee buy-in and build loyalty.

As we have all experienced at networking events, first impressions can be powerful. But without a well rounded set of traits, successful leaders cannot exist.

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