I Do Therefore I Serve

I have always taken pride in that I am a “do-er”. Once I establish a goal and create a vision, I always put in the hard work until this vision becomes a reality. From becoming a Class IV white water river rafting guide to learning Spanish in South America, I have created a gratifying life though planning and delivering. As described in Yukl’s Leadership Behavior Overview, leaders must be do-er’s. Although instead of acting on behalf of your own goals, you act to achieve your team’s goals for sustained results. In Yukl’s overview of leadership behavior, these behaviors are organized though action planning, clarifying, explaining, monitoring, supporting, developing, and acknowledging. By following this organization of leadership behavior, you are a do-er in that you are managing change, motivating a each individual, and creating alignment towards a common goal.

So what does this mean for my leadership philosophy? From what I have learned though Jim Collin’s Good to Great and Yukl Leadership Behavior Overview, actions of servitude create results and results are what create value growth. Similarly to many religious and happiness ideologies….the more you give the more your receive. I value my life and the lives of those around me. As a do-er, I will act on behalf of the my team and the institution I am serving because great leadership only exists with servitude.

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