Leadership and Me

Modern society celebrates leaders from history, idolizes leaders in our workforce, and encourages children whom appear to be “natural born leaders” to take on leadership roles. Society has trained us to believe that becoming a true leader will lead to a lifetime of success. If leadership is the meridian of personal achievement, why it is so challenging to identify remarkable leader from my life experience? Between my lengthy resume of part time jobs in the Hospitality and Tourism industry and participation on sports teams, I find it disheartening that I can name more poor leaders than great leaders from my past. Could this be because I have been attributing leaders solely with the vivacious spirits portrayed in society? Or have I been blind to the leaders that modestly transcend around me?

Leaders are all around us, but as a fault of the historical ideal of a leader’s identity, many don’t don’t believe they hold the charisma, voice, or attitude to lead with confidence. By exploring leadership in every form, I will reveal what it takes to guide, strengthen and build a team of individuals and become a positive impact on each member’s lives.

Leaders are created from a mindset and a discipline that I look forward to exploring in my future writing. With my findings, I will learn the qualities of what it takes to inspire, teach and create a vision for success, and to distinguish myself as one of the great future leaders in the Hospitality and Tourism industry.